Bulgaria–Turkey IPA Cross-Border Programme


18.04.13 | News

news.gifRegarding different interpretations by the project partners of the text of Article 7, 3) in connection with Article 5, 4) of the Subsidy contract concerning eligibility of the preparation costs, the Managing Authority (MA) makes the following instructions:

When the project partners intend to use the opportunity to report the project expenditures for first reporting period on a quarterly basis according to Article 7, 3), the Lead partner (LP) of the project sends to the MA request for designation of First level controller/s for all project partners, nevertheless that only one of the partners reach the necessary 15 % expenditures of the amount of his project budget. This is very important especially for the partners who made the expenditures for project preparation because in accordance with Article 5, 4) of the Subsidy contract: “All preparation costs shall be requested for reimbursement only in the first interim request for payment under the project (in a model for Request for payment annexed to the Project Implementation Manual)”.