Bulgaria–Turkey IPA Cross-Border Programme

Signals for irregularity

Any person may report for irregularities and fraud, connected with the implementation of projects and programs funded by the European Union. The definition of fraud and irregularities can be found here. (Click on to open up the definitions of irregularity and fraud).

"Irregularity" as defined in Art. 1, paragraph 2 of Regulation 2988/95 shall mean any violation of a provision of Community law resulting from an act or omission by an economic operator which has, or would have a result in prejudicing the general budget of the Communities or budgets managed by them, either by reducing or losing revenue accruing from own resources collected directly on behalf of the Communities or by an unjustified expense.

Suspicion of fraud "is an irregularity giving rise to the formation of an administrative or judicial proceedings at national level in order to determine the existence of intentional behavior, in particular fraud, as defined in Article 1, paragraph 1, letter" a " the Convention of July 26, 1995, based on Article K.3 of the Treaty on European Union, to protect the financial interests of the European Communities.

Irregularity Officers will carefully consider your signal and in case its authenticity is confirmed, they will take all necessary measures and will launch the procedure for establishing, registered and reporting of the irregularity.

Where filling in the format, please note the following:

Signals for irregularities may be submitted anonymously.

The Signal for irregularity has to content minimum following information - clear reference to the project and description of the irregularity.

When submitting a signal you should describe in detail the detected irregularity. Reporting for signals of irregularities here will be checked only if they relate to the implementation of projects financing under the Cross Border Cooperation Programme Bulgaria - Serbia / Turkey / FYROM, in which Directorate General "Territorial Cooperation Management" is acting as the Managing Authority. If you want to report an irregularity on another Program, in which Directorate General "Territorial Cooperation Management" is acting as National Authority and National Contact Point, please contact to Irregularity Officer who will give you instructions how and were may to do it.