Bulgaria–Turkey IPA Cross-Border Programme

A meeting of the Joint Monitoring Committee of Bulgaria - Turkey IPA Cross-border Programme will take place in Igneada, Turkey.

10.07.12 | News

On July 13, 2012 a meeting of the Joint Monitoring Committee of Bulgaria - Turkey Cross-border cooperation Programme will take place in Igneada, Kirklareli-Turkey. The Programme is co-financed by the European Union through the Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance (IPA). A list of projects will be approved for financing under the 2nd Call for Project proposals.

27 projects targeted at one of the following priority areas - Sustainable Social &Economic Development and Improvement the Quality of Life are proposed for financing and the total amount allocated for them is nearly € 8 million. (€ 7,989million).

The co-chairman of the JMC from Bulgarian side is Mr. Nikolay Nankov, a Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works, and from Turkish side – Mr. Mehmet Sureyya Suner, Director of “Financial Cooperation” Directorate at the Ministry for EU Affairs of Republic of Turkey. Ms. Anna Repullo Grau, from the General Directorate “Regional Policy” of the European Commission will also take part in the meeting.