Bulgaria–Turkey IPA Cross-Border Programme

Results from the short-listing stage of service tender procedure Preparation of IPA Cross-border Programmes 2014-2020

Start date: 27.11.12

tender.gifThe Evaluation Committee approved a list of shortlisted candidates at the first stage of the service tender procedure for preparation of IPA cross-border programmes 2014-2020 (between the Republic of Bulgaria and respectively: Republic of Serbia, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and Republic of Turkey). The Shortlist notice is available from www.mrrb.government.bg, http://www.ipacbc-bgrs.eu, http://www.ipa-cbc-007.eu, http://www.ipacbc-bgtr.eu and it is also published on the EuropeAid website: https://webgate.ec.europa.eu/europeaid/online-services/index.cfm?do=publi.welcome&nbPubliList=15&orderby=upd&orderbyad=Desc&searchtype=RS&aofr=133413. Only the shortlisted candidates will be invited to submit full tenders.

Enclosure: pdf.gifI_C_b6_shortnotice.pdf (231.58 KB)