Bulgaria–Turkey IPA Cross-Border Programme

Updated version of the Project Implementation Manual (PIM) published

14.02.12 | News

The updated version of the Project Implementation Manual (PIM)- Version 2/ February 2012 has been published. Grant beneficiaries under the First Call for proposals have to consider this new version of PIM, with its description of the modification, and the modified annexes which could be found in the following:

pdf.gifProject Implementation Manual (PIM)_Version 2/ February 2012 (717.46 KB)

pdf.gifModification of PIM_Version 2/ February 2012 (451.84 KB)

xls.gifAnnex 4 "Project Progress Report"  (76 KB)

unknown.gifAnnex 6 "Invoice Report" (168.5 KB)

unknown.gifAnnex 7 "Request for Payment" (590 KB)

unknown.gifAnnex 11 "Declaration-VAT Status" (27 KB)

unknown.gifAnnex 12 "Declaration-Double Funding" (27 KB)

HERE you can find the updated version of the PIM and all the annexes as well as other useful documents regarding the project implementation:

pdf.gifMethodology of Programme Output and Result Indicators Assessment(209.54 KB)


pdf.gifProject Implementation Manual (PIM)_Version 2.1 April 2012 (717.46 KB)


pdf.gifAnnex 1 “Financial Identification Form” (330.23 KB)

unknown.gifAnnex 2 “Request for Project Modification” (120 KB)

unknown.gifAnnex 2.1 “Declaration of Withdrawal” (25 KB)

unknown.gifAnnex 2.2 “Budget modification table” (38.5 KB)

unknown.gifAnnex 3 “Project Procurement Plan” (189 KB)

xls.gifAnnex 4 “Project Progress Report”_rev. February 2012 (83.5 KB)

unknown.gifAnnex 4.1 “Final Project Summary”  (155 KB)

rar.gifAnnex 5 “Request for FLC” ver.1.1_October2011 Приложение 5 “Искане за Първо ниво на контрол ” версия.1.1_октомври2011 (223.19 KB)

unknown.gifAnnex 6 “Invoice Report”_rev. February 2012  (168.5 KB)

unknown.gifAnnex 7 “‘Request for Payment"_rev. February 2012  (590 KB)

unknown.gifAnnex 8 "Appeal Declaration" (188 KB)

unknown.gifAnnex 9 “Communication Plan” (94.5 KB)

unknown.gifAnnex10 “Visibility Rules” (982.5 KB)

unknown.gifAnnex 11 "Declaration-VAT Status"(27 KB)

unknown.gifAnnex 12 "Declaration-Double Funding" (27 KB)

zip.gifProject Implementation (1.89 MB)

Practical Guide and General Annexes (PRAG) 

rar.gifExample Service tender dossier - Single Tender Procedure (676.63 KB)

rar.gifExample Supply_ tender dossier - Single Tender Procedure (671.48 KB) 

rar.gifExample Service_ tender dossier - Competative Negotiated Procedure (413.55 KB) 

rar.gifExample Supply_ tender dossier - Competative Negotiated Procedure  (653.6 KB) 

rar.gifExample Works tender dossier - Competitive negotiated procedure/Local open(1.2 MB)


xls.gifTime Sheet_Sample of Report for the hours worked on the project(19.5 KB)

xls.gifExample Project Progress Report(83.5 KB)

First Level Control (FLC)

zip.gifGuidelines for the First Level Control on CBC Programmes (813.36 KB)

doc.gifExample Request for FLC (148.5 KB)

pdf.gifFrequently Asked Questions (FAQ) - updated on 03.10.2011  (2.81 MB)


pdf.gifCommunication Plan of the BG-TR IPA CBC Programme (655.43 KB)

rar.gifVisual Identity Guidelines (VIG)  (3.14 MB)

rar.gifLogos of the Programme (94.21 KB)

rar.gifVisualization_Templates(798.67 KB)

Press Gallery

pdf.gifPress Release / 27.12.2011 (239.82 KB)

pdf.gifPress Release / 14.10.2011  (748.86 KB)

pdf.gifPress Release / 07.10.2011  (795.71 KB)

pdf.gifPress Release / 16.09.2011 (826.88 KB)

pdf.gifPress Release / 14.07.2011 (408.12 KB)

pdf.gifPress Release / 05.07.2011 (413.06 KB)

pdf.gifPress Announcement / 14.12.2011 (242.76 KB)

pdf.gifPress Announcement / 29.09.2011 (194.96 KB)

pdf.gifPress Announcement / 27.06.2011(180.4 KB)