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  • Edirne Proje

    Trakya Ecotourism and Nature Sports
    16 November 2009
    Tourism and Ecotourism
    2.1: Protection of environment, nature and historical and cultural heritage, 2.2: Capacity building for sustainable use of natural resources, cultural and historical heritage
    Edirne Nature Sports Clup
    PARTNERSHİP TO TOURISM AND ECOTURISM PROJECT Our organization knows how important impact sustainable development of tourism in thrace and enverimontal is.We have been working on projects about cross borders ecotourism and tourism education, giving local public information and promoting tourism investment in Thrace. Our project as a whole, the Thrace region of Turkey-Bulgaria has handled a wide range of tourism planning is to do.EDOSK has been fulfilling ecotourism and extreme sports events almost all Turkey’s part of Thrace.EDOSK includes academics working in this field and experienced athletes as members.One of our aims is to expose small