Финансирани проекти

Improvement of quality of life in the cross-border region through promotion of environmental friendly agriculture

ID на проекта: 2007CB16IPO008-2009-1-091
Име на проекта: Improvement of quality of life in the cross-border region through promotion of environmental friendly agriculture
Покана: 2007CB16IPO008-2009-1
Приоритет: Приоритетна ос 1
Мярка: 1.1: Подобряване на социалното развитие и връзките за социално сближаване
Бюджет: 98410.95 €
Съ-финансиране от ЕС: 83649.31 €
Начало на проекта: 15.07.2011
Край на проекта: 15.07.2012
Статус: В процес на изпълнение
Описание: The sustainable development of organic farming could lead to conservation of the nature resources, development of rural areas and stabilization of ecosystems. The organic farming is one alternative activity that could increase the incomes of the farmers by entering of quality and healthy products. Present project contributes for overcoming of some of the negative tendencies through increase of the public awareness on environmental friendly behaviour. The trade exhibition, workshops for exchange of best and innovative agricultural practices, development of the farmers data base, public awareness campaign and school campaigns initiate partnerships, exchange of experience, ideas and good practices and have a long-term positive impact, in particular by the work with children. The project develops and builds up the results of the previous actions by presenting of new innovative agricultural approaches and best practices during the practical workshops on both sides of the border.
