Финансирани проекти

Raising the quality of life in the Municipalities of Bolyarovo and Alpullu and provision of possibilities for recreation and sports”

ID на проекта: 2007CB16IPO008-2009-1-104
Име на проекта: Raising the quality of life in the Municipalities of Bolyarovo and Alpullu and provision of possibilities for recreation and sports”
Покана: 2007CB16IPO008-2009-1
Приоритет: Приоритетна ос 1
Мярка: 1.2: Повишаване на икономическата конкурентно-способност
Бюджет: 599503.15 €
Съ-финансиране от ЕС: 509577.68 €
Начало на проекта: 15.07.2011
Край на проекта: 15.01.2013
Статус: В процес на изпълнение
Описание: The current action aims to solve specific problem of the municipalities of Alpullu and Bolyarovo - a lack of green areas and sports facilities within the town area. While previous CBC BG-TR programs and projects were focused on the development of eco and cultural tourism routs outside villages and towns the current projects focuses on building of modern recreation and sports facilities within the towns in the border area. While previous projects were focused mainly on improving the conditions for tourism development the current project focuses on the provision of access to recreation and sport facilities to the ordinary citizen of the cross-border area. By implementing the project the project partners are supported in development of cross-border football league between border municipal teams which was clearly declared as a long-term perspective of local cooperation in the November Trakia Kent Association meeting in Elhovo.


  • "Ravnovesie" AssociationБългария, Бургас