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Списък на партньорите

  • Hayati BALKAN

    Arranging stream passing throuhg the village
    6 ноември 2009
    We will arrange the stream passing throuh the village so that we will create a relaxing area for all people living there.
    1.1: Подобряване на социалното развитие и връзките за социално сближаване, 1.2: Повишаване на икономическата конкурентно-способност, 1.3: Подпомагане в сферата на инфраструктурата целящо подобряване на икономическия потенциал на региона
    Kavacık Village Administration (local governement)
    Village's history goes back to early BC. Its population is 940 and it has a few factories. In addition to that there are small business and production units. Its agrarian economy is mainly wheat and sun flower. It has a great number of animal growth. It is 7 km away from district center.