Финансирани проекти

Equal employment opportunities

ID на проекта: 2007CB16IPO008-2009-1-070
Име на проекта: Equal employment opportunities
Покана: 2007CB16IPO008-2009-1
Приоритет: Приоритетна ос 1
Мярка: 1.1: Подобряване на социалното развитие и връзките за социално сближаване
Бюджет: 82081.05 €
Съ-финансиране от ЕС: 69768.89 €
Начало на проекта: 15.07.2011
Край на проекта: 15.07.2012
Статус: В процес на изпълнение
Описание: The project aims at developing qualification of human capital and application of modern methods of training that meet the needs of the labour market. By developing an e-module for computer training and its free implementation the competitiveness of human resources in the region and the quality of services offered in the field of ICT is enhanced. The project also establishes a network between business representatives, vocational training centres, and Labour offices, people supplying and looking for work with the aim of adequate realization of human capital in the region. Acquisition of equal knowledge by the two sides of the border helps increasing the mobility and employability in the cross-border region. The project enables people with disabilities to be educated, to be informed about employment opportunities and, accordingly, be employed by employers seeking qualified personnel.


  • Alliance for regional and civil initiativesБългария, Хасково