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Списък на партньорите

  • Erkan KURU

    Arranging village's environment
    6 ноември 2009
    Arranging around of those who lost lives in the war, building a children play ground will be a nice arrangement work in the village.
    1.1: Подобряване на социалното развитие и връзките за социално сближаване, 1.2: Повишаване на икономическата конкурентно-способност, 1.3: Подпомагане в сферата на инфраструктурата целящо подобряване на икономическия потенциал на региона
    Turnacı Village Administration (local government)
    The village was founded in 1840.Its economy is generally agrarian and animal growth. Its population number is 376. It is 28 km away from district.