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Списък на партньорите

  • Maria Angelova

    Various projects
    13 януари 2010
    We would like to participate as partner in the development of your projects and your organization to be partner in our projects.
    2.1: Опазване на околната среда, природното, културното и историческото наследство, 2.2: Изграждане на институционалния капацитет с цел устойчиво развитие и опазване на природните ресурси, културното и историческото наследство
    Association European Projects
    The Association is NGO and has experts in various fields with extensive experience in developing and managing of EU projects. Participates in the development, application and management of projects for National Programs, Operational Programs, Cross-Border Cooperation, Southeast Europe Program, Youth in Action and others. Participates as a Lead Partner and Project Partner.