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Списък на партньорите

  • İrfan YİĞİT

    Completing social and cultural house of the village
    6 ноември 2009
    The social and cultural house of village will be completed with this project. It has 2 floors and 2nd floor will be library and we have collected 1500 books for this purpose.1st floor will be used for all kind activities in the village.
    1.1: Подобряване на социалното развитие и връзките за социално сближаване, 1.2: Повишаване на икономическата конкурентно-способност, 1.3: Подпомагане в сферата на инфраструктурата целящо подобряване на икономическия потенциал на региона
    Çalıköy Village Administration(Local government)
    Its establishment story is very old. Its economy is agrarian including wheat, sunflower and animal growth. It is 7 km away from district center and has a population of 380.