According to Association of Certified Fraud Examiners (ACFE), companies lost their 6% revenues in fraud. Mostly small and medium enterprises (SMEs)are the victim of fraud. The aim of the project to educate SMEs' managements against fraud, to teach them preparing anti-fraud programmes for their companies and to organise a group aginst fraud in Turkey and Bulgaria. Following partners are welcome; academicians who study on fraud,consulting companies, auditing companies, managers of SMEs, Chamber of Commerce...
1.1: Sosyal kalkınmanın ve sosyal uyumun geliştirilmesi, 1.2: İktisadi rekabet edebilirliğin artırılması, 1.3: İşbirliği alanındaki iktisadi potansiyelin geliştirilmesi için altyapısal destek verilmesi
Associated Professor in Accounting & Finance
Manager of Havsa Vocational College
President of National and International Conferences on Governance Fraud Ethics and Social Responsibility
Certified Public Accountants
Certified Fraud Examiner